Liposuction with Fat Transfer to Buttocks

Dr Zimmerman has performed thousands of liposuction cases since the late 1990’s. Abdomens, legs, upper arms, backs, male chests and even breasts can be sculpted to remove excess, unwanted fat deposits. Manual tumescent lipo, Power Assisted Lipo, Laser Assisted Lipo, Body Jet (Water Assisted) lipo and Hi-Def liposelection are our bread and butter. Dr. Z has trained with leader in the art and science of liposculpting in both the United States, Europe and South America to master these techniques and has trained dozens of other doctors in his innovative combining of these technologies.?

For out of proportion spots that don’t go away, regardless of diet and exercise, Liposuction Las Vegas could possibly be the answer. During your consultation, we will discuss which type(s) of liposuction would be best for you and your concerns.

Laser liposuction made it’s appearance around 2006. During this style of lipo, a laser waveguide is inserted underneath the skin to burn and smooth the fat and tighten the skin. If skin laxity after the fat removal is a concern, this procedure may negate the need for a skin tuck (excision). It is generally recommended that liposuction be used to debulk the fat as much as possible before using the laser to finish smoothing the area and tighten the skin.?

Excessive skin to shrink with a laser from the inside? Extra skin can be removed and the belly button moved to a fresh location to enable abdominal skin to be tighter. A “skin tuck” is like a mini-abdominoplasty without tightening the muscle, so it’s not for everyone. But if your muscle is good, the extra skin can be excised using a radio-frequency scalpel during smaller liposculpting cases or as a separate procedure, down the road, if the skin doesn’t shrink enough from liposuction alone.


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